The world get's this idea that kids who grow up in a strong Christian home receive no wounds, no scars, and have no pain. And just because they don’t have any horribly outstanding sins, they must be perfect and happy. That is completely false. All you have to do is live in this world to sin and probably get some baggage along with it, that is just a part of life. Some people’s baggage is just more visible than others. And if people can't see your baggage they call you a "good kid".
“Good” kids have a good reputation, they are the first to volunteer for charity, they are the ones that try to be righteous enough to be a Christian. They play this sort of masquerade with themselves and other people, covering up sin so no body sees it and pain so no body thinks they are weak, because this would wreck their "good" lie. They look smooth, like they have it all together, but inside they are bitter, wounded and dirty. Is this ringing a bell for you? I know it did for me. Sure, Jesus saves, and Jesus heals, but you have to be good or you won't ever get those gifts. That is the mindset of most good Christian boys and girls.
It’s hard keeping up those smiling faces and good works, but the worst part about it is that when people act this way, they are rejecting God’s grace. They are being self righteous, somehow thinking that their good appearance is getting on God's good side so He will save them.
God wants to save and heal everyone. We all need saving, in God’s eyes your sin is equal to the convicted criminal sitting in jail right now. And in God’s eyes your pain is as real as a child's from a broken home. No matter how “good” of a life you have led, you need God’s grace. And that means you stop relying on your “good” reputation, works, and attitude to save you, because our works are like filthy rags to Christ. It also means you don’t hide your scars from God because you think they are unimportant and try to do it all on your own. Because you can't. And that is so amazing. You don't have the pressure to be perfect because God knows that you aren't, and that is why we have the Cross.
Accepting His grace means trusting Him to save you from your goodness.
Everyone needs grace, everyone needs healing, and God will give it to you, if you let Him.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
From a recovering good kid,
P.S. If you're interested in reading more on this topic, I would recommend the book "Grace for the Good Girl" by Emily P. Freeman, it's primarily for ladies, but the concept applies to everyone. It was a life changing book for me.
This post hurt me, heaps.
I cannot explain it. You cut me deep with these words, for in many ways: this is me.
I wish in my heart that you did not say these things, not convict my heart of this.
Yet, this is precisely why it needed to be said, so thank you.
It's just so.... SAFE being a good kid.
I am so glad/sorry about that! Yeah, I feel you, I've been there. I pray that God will give you the strength to overcome the good kid battle.
Stand fast,
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