Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen!

Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
Just writing that makes me want to jump for joy! Why? Because I know that my Redeemer lives! HE LIVES!! The one who has pulled us up from the grave and washed our guilty stains away with His own precious blood has overcome sin's punishment, yes, even death itself! And for this we will praise  Him in eternity!

Our church service was a different type of sermon this morning. The pastor drifted from the common and normal passages and themes to address a question that we maybe have lost sight of the answer for. He posed the following question: What was the point of Christ death and resurrection?

Of course it was to cleanse us from our sins and to satisfy the wrath of our loving, yet just, God. But yet, what was the motive behind this?

The obvious answer is God's endless and abounding love for His children. However, there is a desire that runs parallel to this attribute. In the book of John, chapter six, verse forty, Jesus was speak about How He is the Bread of Life. He said this "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." (John 6:40 ESV). Jesus clearly states that His Father's will is that all believers should gain everlasting life with the Father and Son in Heaven. However, because there had been no atoning sacrifice, eternity the great Holy of Holies, or Heaven, was not possible.

God wants His followers, that had already passed on and who were yet to be born for generations to come, to be with Him in paradise for His glory. Christ death permitted that. He cried "it is finished" and the curtain was torn exposing the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle to anyone to enter, thus showing that His Son's death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice and sinful man's debt was paid and he could enter into the presence of his Maker.

Rejoice, fellow Christians, because God has made a way to Him through Jesus Christ, His only Son! Amen!
Changing gears, you probably noticed that this is the first time the DC team has posted anything on this blog in over a year! We apologize for the inconsistency and are happy to announce that this Easter, to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, we are bring the Dedicated Christians blog back to life again as well!

Some of the original authors have moved on, but we are also bringing in new blood to give you a fresh perspective. We also want to give a big thank you and shout out to Josiah, the original administrator of this blog. He has moved on from this part of his life and is seeking the Lord where God has him now.  In his place, the other Matthew on the team, Master Matthew Wood, has stepped up to serve as administrator! I would also like to recognize the rest of the team that has been part of the posting in the past! They have offered so much to making this blog what is is! Thank you!

As I said, we will be enacting new authors, so it may be some time before we start getting back into a regular posting schedule, but we will be doing our best! If you desire to see this blog advance and are willing to help, we ask that you consider becoming an author. If you are interested, you can email the team at

We look forward to presenting you with God's word as He speaks to our hearts through His Word!

Have a blessed Easter and remember to rejoice in The Lord always for HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED!

Matt Dustin for Dedicated Christians

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